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Michael J. Boskin

Solution: economic growth, equal opportunity, an efficient and effective temporary safety net.

Professor of Economics at Stanford University, Michael J. Boskin

Michael J. Boskin

Private initiative, incentives and competition leading to capital formation, human capital formation and technological progress. Low inflation, low tax rates. Sensible government spending and regulation.

Professor of Economics at Stanford University, Michael J. Boskin

Michael J. Boskin

It should set sensible rules of the game, a modest hand – neither heavy nor missing – in taxes, spending and regulation, to assure the private economy can prosper.

Professor of Economics at Stanford University, Michael J. Boskin

Michael J. Boskin

The broadest base with the lowest rates to raise only enough revenue to fund the necessary functions of government passing stringent cost-benefit criteria.

Professor of Economics at Stanford University, Michael J. Boskin

Michael J. Boskin

Sometimes this occurs because people – willfully or unwittingly – let politics and ideology get in the way of a fair evaluation of the evidence. But sometimes because there are conflicting bits of evidence.

Professor of Economics at Stanford University, Michael J. Boskin